Which of your website's pages are in ChatGPT?

Instructions to Identify Which Pages on Your Website Are in ChatGPT

  1. Access Analytics Dashboard:
    Open your analytics platform, such as Google Analytics 4 (GA4).

  2. Navigate to Engagement Section:

    • On the left-hand menu, go to Engagement > Pages and Screens.
  3. Apply a Filter for ChatGPT Traffic:

    • Add a filter by clicking on the appropriate filter option.
    • Choose Dimension > Session Source/Medium.
    • Set the filter to ContainsΒ and search for "GPT".
    • Click Apply.
  4. Review Pages Receiving Traffic:

    • View the list of pages that are receiving traffic from ChatGPT.
    • Analyze this data to identify which specific pages are linked to and potentially being triggered by ChatGPT prompts.
  5. Understand Context:

    • While it may not be possible to see the exact prompts that lead to traffic, this data can provide insight into which pages are successfully referenced by ChatGPT.

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